

The logger is used to output data on the terminal. It allows filtering for log tags to make development easy and also offers some functionality to log error codes into RAM.


The logger can be used for printing log outputs to the terminal using the logt macro. With the logjson macro, it is possible to log a json for machine to machine communication. This logging can be removed from the compiled firmware by undefining the ENABLE_LOGGING macro or the ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING macro. Another function called trace will log a string without adding additional information such as the time or the place where the log statement was used.

The logger also has functionality for logging events to the RAM, e.g. logError or logCustomError. These commands will record the time and the error code into RAM. logCustomCount allows you to increase the value each time the method is called. These error codes can be queried using the get_errors command of the StatusReporterModule. Once the error codes have been requested, the error log is cleared.

The logger and terminal can be used over UART or over Segger RTT. It is also possible to have both log transports enabled at the same time. Use the defines ACTIVATE_UART and ACTIVATE_SEGGER_RTT to enable this functionality in your featureset.

Error Log

The error log is used to log metrics and errors during runtime. It is documented on the dedicated error log page. The error log can for example be periodically queried by a gateway.

Terminal Commands

Toggling Log Tags

Output of specific logTags can be toggled with the following command. A few log tags such as ERROR or WARNING are always logged to the terminal.

debug [tagName]

//E.g. toggle logging for the node
debug node

//E.g. toggle logging for all logs
debug all

Viewing All Active Log Tags

The following command provides a list of all enabled log tags:
