BlueRange Mesh - Community Edition

BlueRange Mesh

With the release of 1.2.0, FruityMesh has been renamed to BlueRange Mesh. So far, only the documentation has been updated, source code will follow later. Most importantly, the license stays the same.

BlueRange Mesh - formerly known as FruityMesh - is the reference implementation of the BlueRange initiative. It was the first open source implementation of a mesh network that is based on standard Bluetooth Low Energy 4.1/5.x connections. In contrast to mesh networks that use advertising and scanning, this allows for a network run with battery powered devices. BlueRange Mesh works with the Nordic nRF52 chipset in combination with the S132/S140 SoftDevices and enables tons of devices to connect to each other with its auto-meshing capabilities. It is always connected with configurable connection intervals of 7.5 ms to 4 seconds while still being able to run on batteries.


BlueRange is our commercial product that includes our Mesh, MeshGateway, Platform, Asset Tracking and much more. Have a look at our website:


We have invested some time in extending our opensource documentation, so be sure to take a look at all the new additions in the documentation and especially check out the Features page.

Make sure to take a look at the Concepts document if you already know a bit about the Bluetooth SIG mesh to see how the two implementations compare.

Where To Begin

Before you begin, you should have at least two boards with the nRF52 chipset and either an external or an onboard debugger. If not, we recommend that you get two DevKits from Nordic to get you started as easily and quickly as possible. Next, have a look at the Quick Start page to get everything running. Then test some commands from the Basic Usage page. Afterwards, you could follow one of the Tutorials.

What To Expect

Take some nRF devices, flash them with BlueRange Mesh and expect them to connect to each other in an instant. Open the terminal and send them some commands over the mesh, trigger LEDs or watch some data going through. Power consumption is minimal with the correct settings. For a list of some of the features, have a look at the Features page.

BlueRange Mesh is great for attaching sensors / actuators or 3rd party devices e.g. via UART. Whether you need a mesh of lamps, sensors, want to do asset tracking, etc., BlueRange Mesh will be a great framework to get everything running quickly.

Talk To Us

We’re interested in contributions of every kind, otherwise we wouldn’t be here on GitHub. If you have any questions on how to help and bring the technology forward, do not hesitate to contact us. Make sure to read the Developers page to find out how to help.

Do not hesitate to ask questions, submit issues and add comments. Mail us through our website for business inquiries or open an issue and label it as question for developer questions.

Who Are We?


This project is under active development at BlueRange GmbH, Germany.

We use BlueRange Mesh ourselves in conjunction with our BlueRange Gateway to build services such as connected lights, sensors, building control devices, asset tracking and much more for our customers.