Mesh Network

The BlueRange Mesh Network connecting IoT devices is modelled using the type devices. The platform for stationary Mesh Nodes is BLENODE. These devices are associated with a site. Within a site there is a single Mesh Gateway whose platform is EDGEROUTER. It serves as the communication link between the BlueRange Mesh Network and the outside world.

Sending Firmware Commands through the Portal

When developing IoT devices new command messages may be introduced to the firmware. To make these easily testable or to allow developers to access undocumented features of the firmware, we have added a Send Message action to our Portal.

To send a command, select the target device in the BlueRange Portal and apply an action of type Send Message to it. This generic action is not intended for typical end users but device developers in general. This action can either be executed on the BlueRange Gateway device where the user is free to enter any xref:fruitymesh:ROOT:

When using this action on a BlueRange Mesh device, the Portal will automatically generate the prefix action [nodeId] and you must specify the target module and command in the message field. For example io led on will instruct the I/O module to turn on the lights.

The action is transmitted to the BlueRange Gateway as soon as possible and the terminal command will be executed and routed through the mesh network.