Using the Device Catalog

Once the sensor and actuator definitions are ready and the product is nearing production, you will want to include your final definitions in the BlueRange platform. The device catalog contains definitions for sensor, actuators, indicators, some metadata and more.

Refer to the example in our device catalog documentation to create your device catalog entries.

Once you have everything ready, please contact us so that we can review your definitions and ship them with our product. Testing of your individual definitions (sensor, actuator, …​.) can be done by creating a device configuration and assigning all your definitions as shown in the previous chapters. Make sure to send us a list of the capabilities that your device will report, together with the device catalog files that are necessary.

Wrap Up

We have reached the end of our tutorial and you should now have a basic understanding on our sensors, actuators, the RWIO API, capabilities and the device catalog. If you have remaining questions, do not hesitate to contact us so we can make sure to extend our documentation to cover more use cases.