How to get necessary general information via APIs

This is an overview of the most basic MQTT and REST calls that you will certainly need when working with the BlueRange platform.

API for MQTT Broker login

To login to MQTT you need to receive credentials from this endpoint /api/v1/iot/mqtt.

See more in our MQTT API documentation.


Request organizationUuid

To get the organizationUuid use a GET request for the endpoint /gofer/security/rest/organizations with an authorized login.

Example: Login to the BlueRange platform and reach for

Request siteUuid

To get the siteUuid use a GET request for the endpoint /api/v1/iot/sites. You will receive a list of all sites in your authorized organization.

You get different parameters for the sites including uuid and name. Therefore, you are able to search for the required site by name.

Example: Login to the BlueRange platform and reach for

Request deviceUuid for a Mesh Node, Asset Tag, …​.

To get a specific deviceUuid use a GET request for the endpoint /api/v1/devices with authorized login.

You get different parameters including uuid and deviceId whereas deviceId represents the serial of a device. Therefore, you are able to search for the required device by serial.

Example: Login to the BlueRange platform and reach for