Gateway LED State Indicator


This feature is not available to BlueRange gateway prior to V4.

The BlueRange Gateway (starting from V4) can indicate its state to the outside world by using a built-in status LED (not to be confused with the power button LED).

gateway v4 led

Table 1. The different LED indications. A short flash is ~0.5 seconds and depicted by 🟩-, a long flash is ~2 seconds and depicted by 🟩🟩-
State Sequence

The Gateway software has not started or an internal error occured

Long Orange Flashes
🟧🟧 - 🟧🟧 - 🟧🟧 [no pause]

The Gateway software is running, the state is not yet known

3 Long Green Flashes
🟩🟩 - 🟩🟩 - 🟩🟩 [3s pause]

No connection to the BlueRange server, e.g. no internet or network

3 Short Flashes: green, orange, orange
🟩 - 🟧 - 🟧 [3s pause]

The Gateway is not enrolled in BlueRange

3 Short Flashes: green, green, orange
🟩 - 🟩 - 🟧 [3s pause]

No BlueRange Connect USB Dongle is plugged in (or dysfunctional)

3 Short Orange Flashes
🟧 - 🟧 - 🟧 [3s pause]

The Gateway is not connected to the mesh (e.g. when no other devices but the gateway have been enrolled or the mesh cannot be reached)

3 Short Green Flashes
🟩 - 🟩 - 🟩 [3s pause]

A BlueRange Mesh update is in progress

Alternating Green + Yellow
🟩 - 🟨 - 🟩 - 🟨 [no pause]

Everything is working

Constant Green